Kpop Podcast: Certified Big Bang

Happy 2019! It’s the first of our monthly music episodes and we decided to pick a collective favorite of ours: Big Bang!

We first give a refresher on how we came to kpop and our respective fandoms (living that #multifandom life), and play a fun game. Then we dive into Big Bang, telling our favorite songs, variety show appearances, and discuss the group as a whole.

We mentioned a ton of videos, so we decided a YouTube playlist was for the best:

Also, check out the Big Bang playlist on our Spotify:

You should really check out Natalia’s Patreon for fun kpop inspired artwork:

or her Threadless shop:

As always, you can find us on the social medias under CertifiedNoonas or you can e-mail us at

Time Codes:

:40 How we got into kpop

10:35 Our fandoms

18:11 Big Bang MV game

29:27 Start of Big Bang discussion, and our bias’

41:02 First Big Bang songs

44:07 Variety appearances of Big Bang

57:50 Big Bang extras

1:08:00 Favorite songs

1:10:00 What we are looking forward to in the music world

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