Music Episode: Certified EXID

This week’s episode is on one of Jessie’s favorite girl groups, EXID.

We are very tired and crazy in this one. I’m sorry.

Because it’s a music episode, we reference a ton of videos, music, and clips and to make things easier for you, we put together some playlists for you to enjoy.

If you like things audio, here’s our Spotify playlist (make sure to follow us!):

And if you want things visual, here’s the YouTube playlist of every thing we talked about, in order that they are mentioned in the episode:

And the good old time codes:
:00 What We’ve been listening to
30:24 EXID talk
1:15:17 New music for March

Have a group/soloist suggestion you think we would like, or really any episode topic/question in general? Email us, we love hearing from people:

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