Certified C-POP

For the music episode this month we are branching out and focusing on C-POP

We discuss some of the groups we enjoyed, some of the obstacles that arrived trying to find new music, and just generally discuss how important it is to go outside of your comfort zone to experience new music. Just like all the other music episodes, we also talk about what we’ve been listening to and what’s coming up in the month of May (aka October 2.0).

Information on 88 Rising’s online concert can be found here.

If you want to pretend summer is actually here, listen to Amanda’s playlist.

Here’s a YouTube playlist with all of the music we talked about in order that we mention it:

We also have a C-POP playlist:

Time Codes:

1:22 What we’ve been listening to
39:32 CPOP talk
1:18:31 New music for May

If you have any favorites, let us know!

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