Certified Music Newsnas

In light of everything going on, we took things a little loose this week and decided to focus on some music news from the past month. Honestly, we all need the break.

Note: We don’t want to take away from what is going on right now, and this episode’s intention is for those that need to take a mental break to do so. That being said, these are hard times right now and everyone should be doing whatever they can to help. Not everyone can do everything, but everyone can do something.

Here’s a link with a lot of resources to help out at any level: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/

Lots of links and information for this one, make sure you check that out below:

We also spend a lot of time going over what we’ve been listening to. Here’s a helpful YouTube playlist to get you through all the amazing groups we talk about:

We also have an ongoing Spotify lists of all the music we’ve been listening to that can be found here.

Now it’s time to watch Dreamcatcher’s World of the Married parody or you aren’t Jessie’s friend.

Part One
Part Two

If you missed all our amazing reactions, check out our YouTube channel and subscribe so you know when we drop a new one…we’re pretty sporadic. Here’s the teaser:

Time Codes:

:00 Intro
1:45 What listening to
31:15 Noona News

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