Certified Fifth Anniversary Mega Episode
The Noonas have been going for five years, and are here to chat about it, answer some questions from listeners, and generally have a chaotic time together for their longest ever episode. Grab a glass of water and charge up your device because this is a long one!
Certified 3rd Anniversary
It’s our 3rd anniversary and we really lean into the three theme by talking about favorite things in threes, make a great witchy origin drama, and talk about what we want to do together as well as what we want for the future. Thanks for spending these three years with us!
Certified Two Years
It’s our birthday! To celebrate we decided to do whatever we wanted, so that’s why this episode is a little all over the place. We reflect on the years we’ve spent on the podcast, what’s currently happening, and how we’ve changed from the first episode.
Podcast Episode: Certified Anniversary
We’re officially one, and we decided to dedicate the entire episode to playing games and reflection. Thanks for sticking around with us on our crazy journey, we hope to be with you for more in the future!