Drama(ish) Episode: Certified Traveling

This week, Natalia is on a “business trip” and she has inspired our discussion

Listen as we give you some travel tips, talk about our experiences, and bring it back around to what this podcast is actually about and recommend ways to pass the time, and some dramas/shows that our travel-themed.

Got a question/comment/suggestion? Email us at certifiednoonas@gmail.com. We really like talking to people.

Time Codes:

:00 Intro
2:55 Types of shows/entertainment to pass the time
16:58 Travel tips
40:35 Travel dramas

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2 thoughts on “Drama(ish) Episode: Certified Traveling

  1. I had to listen to this twice to fully enjoy all the moments. So many “I know that situation” head nods . . . Recently, my son was traveling with our family at Christmas. He’d spent his own money for snacks and drinks and had three cans of Monster Energy Drink left at the end of our holiday visit. The rest of the family came through security and there was Boy X, being pulled aside for a bag check. Luckily, a very motherly looking TSA agent at the Pittsburgh airport gave him a choice, “Well, you can either drink all three or throw them out. I wouldn’t suggest drinking them before a flight, though!” He threw them away – it was just like throwing cash away for him. Thanks for the tips and best wishes for Natalia’s post trip quarantine.

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