As you probably know by now, we started a Patreon account and have been fairly active on it. We didn’t want to bombard you with posts every time we upload something, but we did think it would be nice to have a roundup of what is going on over there in case you were curious and wanted to know more about what you would be getting as part of our Found Family.
-BoA Desktop Wallpaper
-Kim Seul Gi Phone Wallpaper
-Noonamals First Sketches
-All of the old videos that we had on Ko-Fi were uploaded on to the site. It’s 20+ posts of behind the scenes cuts and clips, as well as our secondary picks on some of our old genre episodes.
-Noonas After Dark Ep 1: Joseon Exorcist. This is first in a sorta-regular series where we talk a little more off the cuff about some issues or events that happened in the drama/music world (or just in the world in general – we aren’t limiting ourselves on this one). As Natalia said, “Our spicier takes on things”. This episode was recorded right after all the things went down on the Joseon Exorcist set.

-Plight of the Airing. A cut clip featuring our struggles with keeping up with airing dramas, as well as the mystery of the sageuk Momma Jo started, and apparently still wants to continue years later.

-Master in the House Cringe. Sky recounts the cringiest episode of Master in the House that we have heard. A real sharing of pain.

-Tale of 1000 Stars Spoiler Episode. From time-to-time as a member of our Patreon you’ll have access to a first listen on a future episode. This time it’s a spoiler episode on the Thai drama, Tale of 1000 Stars.

-Long Live Hermitcraft. Jessie and Natalia wax poetic about their love of watching people play Minecraft, and their favorite server: Hermitcraft.

We will be starting our monthly watch party in May. A poll is currently up to decide what movie it will be. From time to time we also have polls up about different events and future episode ideas as well as more engagement and input on how we are doing, and what we will do in the future.
To check out what you can get in each of the tiers, or to join our Found Family, check out the Patreon here. You can also email us any questions at certifiednoonas@gmail.com. Just as a reminder, these are all just special episodes and extras and they won’t replace our main episodes, which will always be free. There’s no obligation to join. We appreciate you all just listening to us talk about random things.
We also wanted to just give another special shout out to all our Found Family over there. We’ve loved this first month transition into this new space, and really appreciate all the support you’ve given us.