Certified Friends in Fandom: Lucy
As part of a new series, the Noonas invited their good friend and fellow fangirl Lucy on to the show to talk about her own life in fandom and what she loves about Asian Entertainment. What about fandom is appealing to her, and what advice does she have for other people living the fan life? […]
Certified Fifth Anniversary Mega Episode
The Noonas have been going for five years, and are here to chat about it, answer some questions from listeners, and generally have a chaotic time together for their longest ever episode. Grab a glass of water and charge up your device because this is a long one!
Noonas 101: Drama Ruts
The Noonas get together to discuss the all too common phenomena amongst Asian Drama Watchers- the feared Drama Rut. What causes them? What are some ways to get over them? Get this info and more insights from the seasoned drama watchers the Noonas.
Noonas 101: Boys’ Love
Getting into the BL fandom can be overwhelming, but we are here to help you out by hosting a crash course on all you need to know about the fandom and what you will encounter as you watch boys’ love dramas.
Noonas 101: Netflix Recommendations
Did dramas like Squid Game or Crash Landing On You reel you into the Asian drama world and now you don’t know where to go next? We’ve compiled some of our favorite Netflix offerings to hopefully help you along your new journey.
Noonas 101: Where to Watch
Grab a drink, some snacks, and a pen and notebook because we are talking about all of the different places you can legally watch dramas. We go over our favorites, talk extensively about the pros and cons of some of the most used services, and hit you with a wall of knowledge. This is a […]