Certified C-POP
For the music episode this month we are branching out and focusing on C-POP We discuss some of the groups we enjoyed, some of the obstacles that arrived trying to find new music, and just generally discuss how important it is to go outside of your comfort zone to experience new music. Just like all […]
Certified Seconds: What We Are Watching
Our The King: Eternal Monarch talk ran a bit long this week, so we decided to put up our what we are watching segment separately for a special Saturday treat!
Certified King: Eternal Monarch
As promised, our thoughts and opinions on the first two episodes of the kdrama, The King: Eternal Monarch.
Amanda Social isolates, Makes ‘Real’ friends
Separated from your friends and loved ones during this social distancing time? Maybe try some personal attention ASMR to help fill the void.
Certified Return of the Ho
This week is all about the returning king of Hallyu, Lee Min Ho! We start the deep dive at 10:07 Join in our mole adventures over on Natalia’s Twitch. Got any questions or suggestions? You can leave us a comment on this post or over at our email: certifiednoonas@gmail.com
Certified April News
This week we are back to discuss some of the news that’s happened in the Asian entertainment world.
Music Episode: Certified Lee Hyori
This week we are talking about the talented, not afraid to speak her mind, so much cooler than we are: Lee Hyori. If you ever wanted to know a bit more about this legend listen to the episode: Because this is a music episode, we created some playlists to help you sort through the info […]
Drama Episode: Certified Hospital Playlist
This week we are talking about the first episode of the Netflix drama, Hospital Playlist. We also all have nothing to do but to discuss the insane amount of dramas we’ve been watching and talk about some of the new dramas for next month.
An Almost Drama Episode: Social Distance
This week has been a little crazy, and it’s definitely effecting us in weird ways.
Drama(ish) Episode: Certified Traveling
This week, Natalia is on a “business trip” and she has inspired our discussion