Music Episode: DAY6 and N.FLYING
This week’s music episode is a double headliner of two idol bands that we really love: DAY6 and N.FLYING. Listen to our chaotic mess about two very chaotic (but very different) groups. There is a lot going on in this episode, and we talk about a ton of stuff so check below for all of […]
Podcast Episode: Certified Wintertime
This week we are all over the place, but somehow manage to pull ourselves together to talk a little bit about what makes a drama good for this time of the year and what are some of our favorites. We also create another blockbuster of a drama that you will never actually see on your […]
Podcast Episode: Certified Busted
This week we talk about the kvariety show, Busted, on Netflix. We discuss the first season and how it relates to this newest season, some of our favorite moments, and what makes this variety show different than a lot of other ones. We also talk about what we’ve been watching, and play a questions game.
Quiz: Which Busted Member are you?
Ko-Fi: The Noonas Take on Enlistment
This week’s cut clip for ko-fi is all about enlistment. Back when we did our Big Bang episode, we talked about some of the ways that companies could handle their idols away for so long, and our plans to personally help them out. If you’d like to listen to it (and other fun behind the […]
Kpop Episode: Certified AKMU
Ko-Fi: Costume Reveal
This week on our Ko-Fi page we posted the Halloween costume reveal from our Halloween episode. Watch as we are gifted with Sky’s knack for detail and going over the top with her superb costume. To view it (and other random behind the scenes antics and mischief) consider supporting us. Every bit helps keep the […]
Sick Day
Hi friends. Today would normally be a day where we would be posting about a brand new episode but sadly we had to take a sick day this week. Turns out when you are doing an audio podcast voices are important. We promise to make it up to you later this month, but maybe for […]
Podcast Episode: Certified Spooky Ghost Time
It’s our second annual Halloween episode, and we carry out the tradition we apparently made last year by watching a cheesy Halloween themed movie. This year we picked the Thai movie Oh My Ghost on Netflix! Listen as we try to tell you what the movie is actually about and our opinions on it, and […]