Certified Sci-Fi/Fantasy
The Genre Jar™ is back…kind of. We had all intention for this episode to be about that, but we decided to do our fun “create a drama” game and we came up with the greatest space opera that you will never get to see ever. Sorry.
Go wish Natalia a happy birthday, and then come back here to listen as we gush over one of her favorite groups: SEVENTEEN. Don’t worry, we will help guide you through their names and what makes them so great.
Certified Lee Je Hoon
This week we are talking all about the Korean actor, Lee Je Hoon. Last week we watched his movie Anarchist From Colony, so this week we felt it was fitting to dive into his work and talk about what he’s done and discuss some of our favorites.
Noonas React: Jun. K’s ‘This Is Not a Song, 1929’
This is a crazy, crazy week and has a lot of great comebacks. This time, Jun. K (from 2PM). Jessie was a little excited. Only the American line was around for this one. We like to keep you on your toes who’s going to show up in these. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so […]
Noonas React: NFlying ‘Oh Really’
We did it again. Watch as we react to the newest N.Flying song, ‘Oh Really’: It’s a good one.
Certified Anarchists
This week we wanted to choose a movie that wasn’t just an action or comedy movie, and ended up watching Anarchists From Colony, starring Lee Je Hoon. It’s a bit timely right now, and a lot of the movie’s elements definitely mirror some of what’s going on. We also go off topic slightly. This episode […]
Certified Music Newsnas
In light of everything going on, we took things a little loose this week and decided to focus on some music news from the past month. Honestly, we all need the break. Note: We don’t want to take away from what is going on right now, and this episode’s intention is for those that need […]