Certified Chungha
Chungha released her first studio album, Querencia, and we decided to use it as an excuse to deep dive into her music and learn more about her.
Best of the Old Year
Well, since we’ve recently celebrated the Lunar New Year and I never got around to doing a top drama list for 2020, lets do it now! Here’s a list of my (Amanda) favourite top 10 (ish) dramas from the previous cursed year.
Certified Lunar New Year
This week we are celebrating Lunar New Year with fun, games, stories, and learning a bit about the holiday. This is a long one, so grab your snack and drink.
Happy Valentines Day!
We Hope you have a day full of love and fun! xoxoxoxox
Certified Space Sweepers
Grab a drink and join us as we discuss the new Netflix movie, Space Sweepers.
Certified What We’re Watching/Listening To (Jan)
It’s time for another episode full of what we’ve been watching, and what we’ve been listening.