Quiz! Which Viral Kpop Costume are you?
Certified Halloween Fun
This week we decided that since we’ve done more than our fair share of spooky themed episodes, that this week we’ll take a break from the spook and have a very chill and social distant Halloween party.
Certified Two Years
It’s our birthday! To celebrate we decided to do whatever we wanted, so that’s why this episode is a little all over the place. We reflect on the years we’ve spent on the podcast, what’s currently happening, and how we’ve changed from the first episode.
Certified Seo Ye Ji
This week we are talking about two separate things, but we’re odd and that’s how it goes. The first part of the episode is spent on some things we found odd about Viki’s rating system and some of the problems that stem from it, and then we switch gears to talk about the actress Seo […]
Certified Lost Tombs
This week we try to collectively piece together the Lost Tomb universe. A universe we didn’t know was so expansive when we thought about watching the first couple of episodes of the newest reboot, The Sound of the Providence. No real spoilers to…anything, but a lot of confusion. And sink holes. If you’re curious, here’s […]
Certified Newsnas: September
Another round of news from the music and dramaland. NOTE: There are spoilers for History 3 at 1:31-4:48
How to Get Started on MyDramaList
[Many Asian drama watchers already use MyDramaList, this post is for the folks that still have yet to do so.] We discuss MyDramaList (or MDL for short) all of the time on the podcast when we’re talking about dramas. We even joke that we’re not sponsored by them despite how often we bring them up. […]
Certified ph-1
It’s Amanda’s birthday month, and she chose a Korean rapper near and dear to her heart to gush over and make the rest of us deep dive: ph-1! We also give you some recommendations of songs that are perfect for the upcoming Autumn season, as well as hang out and talk about life.
Certified Seconds: What Watching/Listening September
Bonus episode time! We decided to combine what we’re listening to and what we’re watching into one full episode.
Certified One Hundred
We’re 100! And to celebrate we decided to take a load off our old bones and hang out, talk about some of our favorite moments of the past episodes, and go over the top 100 Asian dramas (per MDL).