Dragon Lady and the Prince- Chapter 1
A skittering sound echoed across the silent room, quick and unsteady, as though something was creeping about. With a thump, the sound stopped. Go Min Soo turned over, yawning and looking at the digital clock next to her, seeing that it was only 630 in the morning. With a yawn, she sat up, shoving the […]
Certified Double World
This week we watched Henry Lau’s new Chinese movie that just dropped on Netflix, Double World. We do spoil a bit, but keep it to after the 15:21 mark.
Certified Jasper Liu
The dimples brought us in, and we haven’t turned back.
Certified A.C.E
Sky’s birthday month, her music pick. And she picked a good one:
What We’re Watching: July 2020
Since the Twogether episode was running a bit long, we decided to take out the ‘what we’re watching’ segment and move it to it’s own dedicated episode.
Certified Twogether
This week we talk about the adorable duo, Lee Seung Gi and Jasper Liu, and their new korean variety show Twogether. We also tell our top dramas for the year so far.
Certified Music News: July
It’s been a crazy month, and lots of news happened so we figured we’d talk about some of it. We also go over our personal top ten songs this year so far.
Certified Sci-Fi/Fantasy
The Genre Jar™ is back…kind of. We had all intention for this episode to be about that, but we decided to do our fun “create a drama” game and we came up with the greatest space opera that you will never get to see ever. Sorry.
Go wish Natalia a happy birthday, and then come back here to listen as we gush over one of her favorite groups: SEVENTEEN. Don’t worry, we will help guide you through their names and what makes them so great.
Certified Lee Je Hoon
This week we are talking all about the Korean actor, Lee Je Hoon. Last week we watched his movie Anarchist From Colony, so this week we felt it was fitting to dive into his work and talk about what he’s done and discuss some of our favorites.