Quiz: Which Park Min Young Heroine are you?
Drama Episode: Certified Park Min Young
This week we are talking about the queen of romcom: Park Min Young! We also spend some time discussing the first episode of her latest drama, When the Weather is Fine/I’ll Go To You When the Weather is Nice.
Music Episode: Certified EXID
This week’s episode is on one of Jessie’s favorite girl groups, EXID. We are very tired and crazy in this one. I’m sorry.
Certified MURDER
This week we are talking about a genre that is near and dear to Natalia and Jessie’s hearts: MURDER Listen as we spend some time talking about why we like murder shows (specifically ones with serial killers), what we don’t like about them, and give you some suggestions on ones to check out. It’s also […]
Drama Episode: Certified Galentine’s Day
Even though it is past time, we still wanted to celebrate Galentine’s Day with you! This episode we discuss some of our favorite girl friendships and what makes them great. We also talk a lot about what we’ve been watching.
Special Spoiler Podcast: Nee Sensei Shiranai No?
Happy Valentines day! As our special Valentines treat to you, we did a special spoiler episode on the Japanese drama, Nee Sensei Shiranai No?
Podcast Episode: Certified Park Seo Joon
This week we watched the first two episodes of the Netflix series, Itaewon Class, starring Park Seo Joon and decided to talk about the episodes, and about the actor himself. Note: We do talk extensively about the first two episodes, but don’t go any further past that .
Music Episode: Certified Sunmi
This week we talk about the amazing and wonderful Sunmi. We also had some thoughts about some news that has happened in the kpop world and spend some time sharing our opinions, as well as our normal what we’re watching talk.
Podcast Episode: Certified Drama News
This week we answer the burning question: Where do we watch all our dramas? We also spend some time talking about news that’s come out in the hallyu-world that we wanted to discuss.
Amanda Saves Money Relaxing
ASMR comes in many different formats. Check out some of my very favourite ASMRtists and see if any of their content is something you’ll enjoy.