Ko-Fi Extra: Web Drama Seconds
Like our other genre jar episodes, we’ve uploaded a clip of some of our second picks for favorite web dramas. If you’d like to listen to those as well as other genre jar seconds and other random clips that didn’t make the cut in our regular episodes, you can help support us over on ko-fi.
Podcast Episode: Certified Web Dramas
This week we bring back out the genre jar…or at least we tried to until Sky found out that it was missing so we had to be creative. We picked four genres, we polled you, and web dramas won! Listen as we talk about our favorite little dramas that may not be the best, or […]
Music Episode: Certified 2019 Review
We’re baaaaack! Sorry about last week, we all were sick so we decided a much needed break was needed, but don’t worry. A new and amazing episode awaits! This week we talk about last year and our year in music. What we liked, what we didn’t. News and resolutions, it’s all in there.
Out with the old, in with the new
It’s a New Year and everybody’s doing it. Music lists, movies lists, cutest puppies, favourite gifs… if you can watch it, read it, eat it, or like it there is probably somebody making a year end list about it. Here at The Certified Noonas, we love lists. As one of the resident list-makers, I’ve been […]
Happy 2020!
From all of the Noonas, we wanted to wish you a happy new year and a hope that 2020 will be a great one for all of us filled with laughter, good health, and all the Asian dramas and music to fill your heart. Thanks for sticking with our little podcast all this time, and […]
Certified Year in Review
This week we reflect on the past year in dramaland. We talk about some of our favorite dramas, as well as actors and some hopes for the New Year.
Certified Holiday Party
This week we decided to throw a holiday party! We play games, sings some songs, all in the comfort of our respective homes.
Certified Triad Princess
This week Jasper’s new Netflix drama, Triad Princess, dropped on Netflix and because we can’t say no to that smile we decided to discuss the first two episodes. We also give you some recommendations of some gangster dramas if you are in the mood for more after watching Triad (it’s only 6 episodes long, it’s […]
Podcast Episode: Certified Surprise
This week as part of our introspective look back at the year, we talk about dramas that surprised us. Maybe they turned out better than we thought, or they were completely different from what the previews made us believe
Fanfic Friday: Scientific Terms
Hi there, it’s Natalia (aka sojunights) and I am here to start a fun new segment i want to call Fanfic Fridays, or Soju’s Wattpad FicPicks, a series where I’ll be showcasing some of my most enjoyed fanfiction that I find on the free website Wattpad. This week we begin with a cute little mostly […]