Certified Spoilers: Island

The Noonas get together to look at the first season of the new supernatural Kdrama “Island”. Was it good? Did it live up to the expectations that they had the year they spent waiting for it to air? Did this Asian drama make the villain a little too appealing? Listen to find out! Warning, Lots of Spoilers Ahoy!

Time Codes

00:00:00 Intro

00:00:57 The Seasonal Split

00:02:43 A synopsis is born

00:05:58 When a Show Gatekeeps Itself

00:14:33 Shooters for Sung Joon

00:16:59 The Actor you Don’t Expect to see

00:18:44 The Pacing of The Writing gives way to a feline interruption

00:20:24 There’s mini arcs and there’s the main arc

00:21:46 Not quite the Damsel in Distress

00:28:51 A Priest out of his Depth

00:30:44 Van the Tsundere Emo Sadboy

00:34:21 A Best Friend full of Woe

00:39:55 The Girl in the Cult

00:43:33 Goong Tan is active in the Community

00:56:27 A Tale of Tragic Brothers

00:55:04 Stupid in Very Specific Ways

00:57:41 What if it hadn’t been Good?

01:01:00 When is an Adaptation bad?

01:07:01 A Cast full of Fun

01:10:21 The Noonas try to Predict the Future

01:17:49 Jirisan’s Missed Opportunity

01:19:00 Dark in Tone but still a good time

01:22:16 Van, Our Emo Prince

01:23:22 Goong Tan, aka Sess*hot*maru

01:25:14 The Noonas take a quick jaunt into their Anime Pasts

01:28:22 Back to Island to end it off

01:30:26 Outro

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