Certified What We’re Watching: January 2024 Edition
The Noonas are back again with another month of dramas watched. From Pirates, to amateur detectives, to multiple personalities to murderous teens, they’ve got a show for every sort of drama enjoyer to recommend! Check this week’s episode out to find out what they had playing this month.
Certified Lee Dong Wook
The Noonas have their first deep dive of the year, this time into the life and work of one of their favourite Korean actors, Lee Dong Wook! They go over his bio, his filmography, and of course why they like him so much! Check it out to find out what they discovered about one of […]
Certified Happiness: A Perfect Zombie Show
The Noonas are here to talk one of their top Korean dramas of all time, Happiness! Why do they love it so much? What makes it so special to them? And why, even if you aren’t a fan of zombies, do they think you should watch it? Listen to find out!
Certified Genre Jar: Guilty Pleasure Dramas
The Genre Jar makes a triumphant return, this time demanding the noonas reveal their fav “Guilty Pleasure Dramas”, or dramas that might be kinda bad, but they still love! What sort of ridiculous Asian Dramas do they have on their list? Listen to find out!
Certified New Years, Same Noonas
The Noonas are kicking off the New Year with a look forward and back, sharing their favs from 2023 and their resolutions and ideas for 2024. What Dramas and Music had a hold on them last year, and what are they looking forward to in the new year? And did they come up with another […]