Quiz: Can you Name that Number?
Certified Numbers
Today we are getting oddly specific in our genre picking by talking about our favorite dramas with numbers in the titles. We also lean into our age and dive into the world of numbers in kpop group names, and finally figure out how to pronounce some of those names.
Certified Unlucky
This week we are talking remakes and looking at the Thai drama, Unlucky Ploy, a remake of the Korean drama. We spend some time going over what we liked and didn’t like about the episode we watched and discussed the similarities and differences between the two.
Lovers in a Dangerous Time: Social Media Storytelling in the Days of Covid
In recent weeks several Korean drama sets announced that they would be pausing their filming due to Covid-19 concerns. In these confusing times many dramas have been postponed or seemingly even cancelled altogether. So what is Dramaland doing to stay afloat? Some smaller production groups have found new success creating social media web series.
QUIZ – Which Summer K-Bop is calling your name?
Certified SISTAR
This week we are deep diving into the summer queens of bop, SISTAR. Listen as we give you a crash course on the group and talk about our favorite songs, and what makes them not just great singers but also great people.
Dragon Lady and the Prince- Chapter 2
“Where are the files related to the Haego buyout?” Min Soo asked, looking up with sharp eyes at her secretary, Cha Hyun Seok. He promptly opened a leather folder, pulling out a sheaf of papers and placing them in front of her, perfectly square with the edge of her desk. “Here they are Executive Go. […]
Certified Seconds What Watching August
Bonus episode on what we’re watching this month! Time codes and lists of dramas mentioned below
Certified Summer Horror
Korea’s favorite summer pastime to cool down is to be scared, and we’ve decided to dive in and celebrate by watching all the horror we could possibly fit into our schedules. Between all of us we watched a lot of dramas, so check below for all of the titles we mentioned. While for the most […]
Certified Music News: August
We’re back with another month of music news. Look below for links/videos of things we mentioned.