Certified What Watching: Dolphin Mom
We watched a lot and talked a lot.
Certified What Watching: Magic Nail Gun
Time for the second episode of the week, featuring what we’ve been watching.
Certified Umbrellas
April Showers bring May Flowers! Listen as we talk about umbrellas in dramas: Why they are there and some of our favorite dramas and music videos that feature a good umbrella. We know we missed a lot, so let us know in the comments some of your favorite umbrella moments.
Certified What Watching (Feb ’21)
We are splitting up the What We’re Watching/Listening episode up into two this week. Today’s focuses on all the dramas we’ve been watching and how we feel about them. Check back on Wednesday (March 10th) for what we’ve been listening to. Note: this episode is spoiler-free except for a spoiler for Vincenzo (nothing past episode […]
Best of the Old Year
Well, since we’ve recently celebrated the Lunar New Year and I never got around to doing a top drama list for 2020, lets do it now! Here’s a list of my (Amanda) favourite top 10 (ish) dramas from the previous cursed year.
Certified Colors
The world has been weird, so we thought a nice and easy episode where we talk about dramas with color names was in order
Certified Suggestion Boxes
Is there a drama that you want to watch but can’t find subs for? A feature you would like to see on the MyDramaList website? Maybe you have an idea for a topic you would love to hear us talk about on the podcast? We’ve taken some of the guess work out of those queries […]
Certified Lost Tombs
This week we try to collectively piece together the Lost Tomb universe. A universe we didn’t know was so expansive when we thought about watching the first couple of episodes of the newest reboot, The Sound of the Providence. No real spoilers to…anything, but a lot of confusion. And sink holes. If you’re curious, here’s […]
What We’re Watching: July 2020
Since the Twogether episode was running a bit long, we decided to take out the ‘what we’re watching’ segment and move it to it’s own dedicated episode.
Certified Sci-Fi/Fantasy
The Genre Jar™ is back…kind of. We had all intention for this episode to be about that, but we decided to do our fun “create a drama” game and we came up with the greatest space opera that you will never get to see ever. Sorry.