Certified Drama Gems: Flowers
Drama Gems Return! The Noonas are talking about some of their favourite Asian dramas with a floral themed twist. With each show hailing from a different country, listen now to find out about dramas you might want to move up your watch list.
Certified Genre Jar: Guilty Pleasure Dramas
The Genre Jar makes a triumphant return, this time demanding the noonas reveal their fav “Guilty Pleasure Dramas”, or dramas that might be kinda bad, but they still love! What sort of ridiculous Asian Dramas do they have on their list? Listen to find out!
Certified A Show of Pride: LGTBQ+ in Asian Dramas
We are celebrating the start of Pride Month by sharing our favorite LGBTQ+ dramas and characters.
Certified Remakes
We’ve briefly mentioned remakes in several of our episodes but decided that a full episode was in order. Listen as we talk about the different remakes, some of our best and worst, and create the most epic gay mafia Boys Over Flowers recast. *Editing note: We forgot to cast Jun Pyo’s Grandmother in the drama […]
Certified Healing Dramas
It’s been a rough year and a half and so we decided that this week we would discuss healing dramas: what makes one, what we define them as, and our personal favorites. *Note: there is a portion of our discussion that mentions suicide. If you need to skipm the time codes is 10:02-11:22
Certified Beach Time
This week we are celebrating the last few weeks of summer by taking a lovely listener suggestion and talking about the beach and how it is tied to dramas. We talk about the dramas with pivotal scenes, why we think beach scenes are important as a plot device – all of which spirals into Natalia […]
Certified Sports
In honor of the Olympics, this week we are discussing the popular genre in dramas, sports. What makes a drama one, what we like, and some of our personal favorites.
Certified Mother’s Day
This week we are talking about kdrama moms: the good, the bad and the ugly. We keep fairly spoiler free on this one, but we may have gone on a Romance is a Bonus Book rant. Check the time codes below for spoilers.
Certified Umbrellas
April Showers bring May Flowers! Listen as we talk about umbrellas in dramas: Why they are there and some of our favorite dramas and music videos that feature a good umbrella. We know we missed a lot, so let us know in the comments some of your favorite umbrella moments.
Certified Colors
The world has been weird, so we thought a nice and easy episode where we talk about dramas with color names was in order