Tag: jdrama

Best of the Old Year

Well, since we’ve recently celebrated the Lunar New Year and I never got around to doing a top drama list for 2020, lets do it now! Here’s a list of my (Amanda) favourite top 10 (ish) dramas from the previous cursed year.

Literary Love

Prologue So far this year I’ve been watching a lot of Jdramas. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of stories about writing. Like, A LOT alot. Now maybe it has more to do with the types of stories I’m generally drawn to, or maybe I just like books 😅 Whatever it is, I thought […]

Certified Suggestion Boxes

Is there a drama that you want to watch but can’t find subs for? A feature you would like to see on the MyDramaList website? Maybe you have an idea for a topic you would love to hear us talk about on the podcast? We’ve taken some of the guess work out of those queries […]

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