Certified Uncanny Counter
This week we are discussing the first 8 episodes of the OCN kdrama, Uncanny Counter. Spoilers abound!
Certified Sageuk
The genre jar (and the Twitter poll) has spoken, and this week we are talking about sageuks! Hear our thoughts on them, and then our top picks. No spoilers, so listen freely!
Certified Suggestion Boxes
Is there a drama that you want to watch but can’t find subs for? A feature you would like to see on the MyDramaList website? Maybe you have an idea for a topic you would love to hear us talk about on the podcast? We’ve taken some of the guess work out of those queries […]
Certified Seo Ye Ji
This week we are talking about two separate things, but we’re odd and that’s how it goes. The first part of the episode is spent on some things we found odd about Viki’s rating system and some of the problems that stem from it, and then we switch gears to talk about the actress Seo […]
Certified Newsnas: September
Another round of news from the music and dramaland. NOTE: There are spoilers for History 3 at 1:31-4:48
Certified Numbers
Today we are getting oddly specific in our genre picking by talking about our favorite dramas with numbers in the titles. We also lean into our age and dive into the world of numbers in kpop group names, and finally figure out how to pronounce some of those names.
Certified Unlucky
This week we are talking remakes and looking at the Thai drama, Unlucky Ploy, a remake of the Korean drama. We spend some time going over what we liked and didn’t like about the episode we watched and discussed the similarities and differences between the two.
Certified Summer Horror
Korea’s favorite summer pastime to cool down is to be scared, and we’ve decided to dive in and celebrate by watching all the horror we could possibly fit into our schedules. Between all of us we watched a lot of dramas, so check below for all of the titles we mentioned. While for the most […]
What We’re Watching: July 2020
Since the Twogether episode was running a bit long, we decided to take out the ‘what we’re watching’ segment and move it to it’s own dedicated episode.
Certified Sci-Fi/Fantasy
The Genre Jarâ„¢ is back…kind of. We had all intention for this episode to be about that, but we decided to do our fun “create a drama” game and we came up with the greatest space opera that you will never get to see ever. Sorry.