Book Review: Iron Widow
A spoiler free look at Xiran Jay Zhao’s upcoming novel, Iron Widow, a cyberpunk, harem story re-imagining the Empress Wu Zhetian rising to power in a dystopian future that looks a lot like the past, just with better tech.
Folklore Podcasts
Do you love fantasy dramas? Do tales of Goblins and Fox Fairies get your heart racing? Has your love of these dramas peaked your interest in learning more about Asian folklore? Our friends over at Black Girl Seoul have been promoting podcasts on their twitter lately and through them I found one that tells folktales […]
Rule of Threes
There seems to be a rule when it comes to drama friendships. Two people is too few, four is too many. Three is the perfect number for a friend group. There’s just something about a group of 3 that seems to work perfectly for a drama. The friendship in the new drama How to be […]
It’s here! My first ever album pre-order has arrived and it is everything I hoped for!
Best of the Old Year
Well, since we’ve recently celebrated the Lunar New Year and I never got around to doing a top drama list for 2020, lets do it now! Here’s a list of my (Amanda) favourite top 10 (ish) dramas from the previous cursed year.
Literary Love
Prologue So far this year I’ve been watching a lot of Jdramas. I’ve noticed that there are a lot of stories about writing. Like, A LOT alot. Now maybe it has more to do with the types of stories I’m generally drawn to, or maybe I just like books 😅 Whatever it is, I thought […]
Certified Suggestion Boxes
Is there a drama that you want to watch but can’t find subs for? A feature you would like to see on the MyDramaList website? Maybe you have an idea for a topic you would love to hear us talk about on the podcast? We’ve taken some of the guess work out of those queries […]
Lovers in a Dangerous Time: Social Media Storytelling in the Days of Covid
In recent weeks several Korean drama sets announced that they would be pausing their filming due to Covid-19 concerns. In these confusing times many dramas have been postponed or seemingly even cancelled altogether. So what is Dramaland doing to stay afloat? Some smaller production groups have found new success creating social media web series.
Amanda Social isolates, Makes ‘Real’ friends
Separated from your friends and loved ones during this social distancing time? Maybe try some personal attention ASMR to help fill the void.
Amanda Saves Money Relaxing
ASMR comes in many different formats. Check out some of my very favourite ASMRtists and see if any of their content is something you’ll enjoy.