Certified Spoilers: Squid Game
As a Christmas treat, the murder sub-unit (name pending, we’ll figure it out), Natalia and Jessie are back with a special spoiler episode about the kdrama that took the International world by storm, Squid Game. Note: Heavy spoilers throughout the episode. While we do give a synopsis, we don’t move in a linear path on […]
Certified What We’re Watching: It Is What It Is
It’s time for the last look at what we’ve been watching for the year. Natalia and Jessie gush about their favorite drama of the year, we try to discuss what’s going on with Jirisan, and much more.
Certified Spoilers: Hellbound
The murder/cult/zombie sub-unit is back, and in this special spoiler episode, they are talking all about the new kdrama on Netflix, Hellbound. Listen as Natalia and Jessie talk about the drama and discuss what worked – and what didn’t. Note: This is a full spoiler episode.
Certified Newsnas: Remakes, Remakes, Remakes!
On this edition of the Newsnas we’re talking (and ranting) about a lot of news stories that have came out including remakes of dramas and movies, NFTs in kpop, and company mergers (and much more!). For a list of all the news we mentioned and their time codes, as well as some links check out […]
Certified What We’re Watching: What’s His Face
Another month has passed, and that means more dramas watched.
Certified Healing Dramas
It’s been a rough year and a half and so we decided that this week we would discuss healing dramas: what makes one, what we define them as, and our personal favorites. *Note: there is a portion of our discussion that mentions suicide. If you need to skipm the time codes is 10:02-11:22
Certified Ashin of the North
This week we are diving into the land of kings and zombies in honor of the new special episode in the Kingdom series, Ashin of the North. While we spend time talking about the entire series and the episode, no major spoilers are discussed.
Certified Newsnas: The Olympics
It’s time for another edition of Newsnas!
Certified Sisyphus the Myth
This week we are discussing the first four episodes of the kdrama, Sisyphus the Myth. We only talk about these four episodes, so avoid if you aren’t caught up and worried. Trailer:
Best of the Old Year
Well, since we’ve recently celebrated the Lunar New Year and I never got around to doing a top drama list for 2020, lets do it now! Here’s a list of my (Amanda) favourite top 10 (ish) dramas from the previous cursed year.