Certified What We’re Watching: Competency Kink
We haven’t done a what we’ve been watching episode in a while. Did you miss us? Listen as we talk about all the dramas we’ve been working on and our thoughts about them.
Certified Sports
In honor of the Olympics, this week we are discussing the popular genre in dramas, sports. What makes a drama one, what we like, and some of our personal favorites.
Certified Ashin of the North
This week we are diving into the land of kings and zombies in honor of the new special episode in the Kingdom series, Ashin of the North. While we spend time talking about the entire series and the episode, no major spoilers are discussed.
Certified Newsnas: The Olympics
It’s time for another edition of Newsnas!
Noonas 101: Where to Watch
Grab a drink, some snacks, and a pen and notebook because we are talking about all of the different places you can legally watch dramas. We go over our favorites, talk extensively about the pros and cons of some of the most used services, and hit you with a wall of knowledge. This is a […]
Certified What Watching/Listening: Rush Hour
We’re back this week with what the people want: telling what we’ve been watching and what we’ve been listening to. Life was a little hectic this week celebrating birthdays and going on vacation, so we had to combine both lists and were a little rushed for time so there won’t be a second episode this […]
Certified Halftime Check-In
Since it’s the middle of the year, we figured that we stop and reflect on the drama and music worlds and talk about what’s on our top lists so far, and reflect on some things that happen as well as talk a little about what we’re doing personally.
Certified What Watching: Dolphin Mom
We watched a lot and talked a lot.
Certified Mother’s Day
This week we are talking about kdrama moms: the good, the bad and the ugly. We keep fairly spoiler free on this one, but we may have gone on a Romance is a Bonus Book rant. Check the time codes below for spoilers.
Certified What Watching: Magic Nail Gun
Time for the second episode of the week, featuring what we’ve been watching.